

All of our items have a lifetime double-your-money-back guarantee on authenticity. This means that for the life of the bag, if your purchase from us is found to be not authentic, we will refund your payment + double your money back.

Selling counterfeit products is a federal crime, and we take it very seriously. We know that other sites / sellers who grow too fast end up with things falling through the cracks - and it's not something we will ever allow ourselves to do. It's one of the reasons why we stay super small, and super niche.



Established in 2003, for 18 years Boutique Patina has specialized in sourcing and curating the best condition preowned vintage leather treasures by searching closets around the world.



Boutique Patina is small by design.
We are owner-serviced, "old-school" style. The owner handles every item being procured, listed, sold and also has a direct hand in your customer service.

Vintage Chanel Handbags